The seed of suffering may be strong in you, but don't wait until you have no more suffering to allow yourself to be happy. -Thich Nhat Hanh


Are you ready to let go of your suffering? Perhaps you feel like life is happening to you or other people and external circumstances are to blame for your distress. This can make life feel out of control and unmanageable. 

What if there was another way to look at suffering? If this resonates with you then therapy might be a wonderful place to begin to explore your own innate wisdom and capacity to heal and transform. We all come to therapy with unique backgrounds and experiences, some of which have been holding us down for years or decades, others which have helped us move towards the person we want to be. Regardless, we can all use support in this life to untangle the wounds of trauma, to accept ourselves, and to ultimately grow in compassion and wisdom. If you want to be someone who can handle what the world brings, then you’ve come to the right place.

Compassionate & Professional

You can trust that you will be treated with respect, dignity and compassion in every interaction, while maintaining the highest standards for integrity and ethics.

Let's connect online and get started!

About Jaima Shore | Maitri Therapy, LLC

Jaima is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a passion for helping adults change their relationship to suffering. Jaima uses a holistic approach to therapy combining talk therapy and cognitive behavioral techniques as well as EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization Reprocessing), somatic and mindfulness techniques. Jaima works with adults (19+) individuals who are healing unresolved trauma, grief and loss, anxiety, depression, life transitions, and relationship challenges.

Maitri is a Sanskrit word meaning, "unconditional friendship with oneself." This is incredibly hard for many of us, as we are more likely to spend time putting ourselves down. But maitri allows us to cultivate a relationship where we no longer look to the external world to solve our problems; rather we start to recognize that we can relax and feel at home in our own body and mind. So that's why I named this practice Maitri Therapy, because this is my hope for you.